Cracking the Code: Drive More Traffic towards your Business Website

Cracking the Code: Drive More Traffic towards your Business Website

When used intelligently and creatively, search engine optimisation and social media marketing can indeed be catalysts to your digital marketing success.

People who promote products recognize the potential of the advantages of Social media marketing.  As many as 83% of businesses rely heavily on social media to market their products and services. Forty per cent of all companies need to know how to calculate the earnings for the investments that they made.

Business personnel are trying to learn more about Google and other search engines to benefit from the power of search engine optimization. While, on the one hand, search engine optimization can boost your online presence, it can prove to be a significant liability if not done with perfection.

The concept is all about directing people to your website. Learning the dynamics of search engine optimization and marketing will enable you to design super-quality optimized content to drive more people to your website and generate leads for your business.

·        Establish your Brand and Enhance Awareness

Millions of people are already familiar with and utilizing the advantages of Social media to improve their brand awareness and visibility. Keeping tabs on your competition is one of the advantages of Social media marketing. This will enable you to provide a better service or product to your customers.

Sharing the specs and features of your product or service on social media is one of the quickest ways of attracting customers. If you can offer any incentives or promotions with your product for the online community, it will give you more sales in the least possible time.  You can also interact and listen to the advice offered by your customers.


How Is Money Given To Me From My Parents Dealt With By The Court?

How Is Money Given To Me From My Parents Dealt With By The Court?

Whenever a divorce occurs one of the primary elements that need to be resolved is the financial settlement, and it is imperative that legal advice is sought from a family lawyer.

One aspect of the financial settlement that often causes the most confusion and angst is in relation to money and property which the couple has received from their respective families, especially their parents.

More often than not, this is money that one set of parents has given the couple, either at the time of their marriage or subsequent to it. When a divorce occurs, how this money is accounted for will play a large role in its division as property, if it is in fact regarded as property at all.

This is due to the fact that in several divorce cases, one of the parties to that divorce has claimed that money given to them by parents or the family is a loan, as it suits their position, while in other circumstances it will be claimed it is a gift by one of them.


When Should I Use Workplace Lawyers?

When Should I Use Workplace Lawyers?

You may or may not know that different types of lawyers work in significantly different fields. For example, criminal lawyers are primarily concerned with the criminal offences, family lawyers deal with everything family-related, and workplace lawyers can help with any legal issues arising in the workplace.

But what does a workplace lawyer do? And when should you think about using one?

Well, that’s a question we get asked a lot. And, it’s exactly what we’ve looked at in the rest of this article. You should use a workplace lawyer if you:

  1. Need Help Drafting or Negotiating Employment Contracts

Employment contracts are legally binding documents which are often treated quite carelessly. A lot of people don’t realise how important they are, and a large percentage of employees don’t even consider negotiating new contracts.

However, this is a bad idea. You should always attempt to negotiate a contract to ensure you’re happy with the terms of employment. And a workplace lawyer can help ensure a positive outcome for both parties.

  1. Have to Deal With Messy Contract Terminations

Contract termination could be required for any one of a number of reasons. In most cases, dismissing an employee is as simple as providing the required notice in writing and ensuring you’ve paid out any outstanding entitlements.


How Will Filing For Bankruptcy Affect My Family?

How Will Filing For Bankruptcy Affect My Family?

Filing for bankruptcy in Australia is a huge decision that shouldn’t be made lightly. The consequences can be significant and long lasting, and I’d always recommend speaking with a family lawyer to make sure that you understand them fully.

With this in mind, I’ve put together this article to give you a brief insight into the ways that filing for bankruptcy can affect you and your family in both the short and the long term. But first, let’s have a quick look at what bankruptcy is and why you might consider it.

What is bankruptcy?

Legally, bankruptcy is a process which involves your debts being removed, allowing you to make a fresh start. You can go bankrupt voluntarily under some circumstances, but you can also be forced to go bankrupt if you owe money that you can’t repay.

Before entering bankruptcy you should consult with a legal professional, such as, to determine whether or not it’s actually the best choice for your situation. The consequences of becoming bankrupt are far reaching, and include:

If you go bankrupt you may not be able to travel overseas

This is a very important consideration for those with close family who live in or are from a foreign country. Unfortunately, you will have to request permission to travel overseas if you declare bankruptcy, which can significantly reduce your freedom. It’s important to note that this permission won’t always be granted.

You might not be able to get a loan in the future

Declaring bankruptcy might seem like a good option to free you from your debts, but it has a major consequence that could affect you and your family well into the future.

If you become bankrupt you need will probably have trouble getting loans in the future. This could impact your ability to buy a house,  a car, or even to borrow money to send your children to school.


Should I Write Guest Posts For Other Law-Related Websites?

Should I Write Guest Posts For Other Law-Related Websites?

Guest posting can be something of a controversial topic which is heavily debated in digital marketing circles. A lot of people would argue that guest posting is an essential part of any high-quality law firm SEO strategy, but a lot of others would heartily disagree.

Ultimately, the decision whether or not to write guest posts rests with you. Some lawyers will write regular guest posts for other, more well known websites with the aim of increasing their exposure and driving more clients to their own site. Others won’t feel that they have the time to waste with regular guest posts, and won’t bother.

Why are guest posts useful?

In the end, a lot of people forget about the real purpose of guest posting – building high quality backlinks to your website. Since backlinks are one of the most important SEO ranking factor, it can never be a bad thing to build more of them.

However, guest posts also have a lot of other useful features. These include:

  • Linking to your website can have more than just SEO benefits. There’s also the chance that some people will follow your links, ultimately making use of your law services.
  • If your name is visible on your guest posts your exposure will go up exponentially, especially if you’re writing for a well-known website.
  • If possible, you should try and link to your social media pages as well. Doing so will help build your online following, increasing your potential client base.

As you can see, guest posting appears to be quite a useful thing for most lawyers. Judging from the evidence above, you should write regular guest posts for other law-related websites. However, there’s more to it than that.


Avoid These Financial Mistakes In Your Divorce

Avoid These Financial Mistakes In Your Divorce

Divorce rates among all segments of our population are growing and the explosion of family lawyers is evidence.  Some blame the longevity promised by access to good medical care for the increasing number of “gray divorces” among the elderly.  Others blame societal factors on the overall increase of divorces.

But the data is indisputable; more people are divorcing these days which means that the likelihood you or someone you know may have to endure this painful experience is increasing.  The good news is that with information and knowledge comes power, particularly when it comes to finances.  Misunderstanding the financial impact of divorce is one of the most common mistakes a person can make and can yield very long term and painful consequences.

That is why it’s important to arm yourself with as much information as possible.  Here are some important tips on how to protect yourself financially in your divorce.


Mediation is part of a broader area of the law called “alternative dispute resolution”.  That’s just a fancy way of saying solving your disputes without going to court.  Mediation is where an experienced neutral third party listens to each side and then offers counter-arguments, suggestions, and creative solutions to bring the parties close enough that they can agree on a settlement.  This approach can trim months, even years, off a divorce which means huge savings in legal fees.  Mediators are often lawyers, former judges or legal advisors experienced in divorce law and have a firm grip on what is likely to be the outcome should you go to court.

Mediation also allows the couple the maximum flexibility in crafting their own settlement agreement, rather than having the court impose a resolution.  It’s always better to have control over the outcome, even if you don’t get everything you want.  The only situation where mediation may not be appropriate is if one spouse is hiding assets or refusing to come clean on a particular aspect of the divorce.  It’s important in a mediation that both parties want to come to a fair and equitable solution.

If you’re looking for a list of the best local lawyers, check out Lawyers List.


Developing A Fire Action Plan For Your Business

Developing A Fire Action Plan For Your Business

Fire safety is an essential consideration for business owners and managers throughout Australia. Things like fire extinguishers and other safety gear can help reduce the risk of a serious fire breaking out in your workplace, but they simply must not be seen as an alternative to a clear fire action plan.

Fire action plans are essential to ensure the safety of your staff and clients in the case of a workplace fire. In some cases, fire safety or action plans are required by law. Make sure that you and your workplace is covered by developing or updating your fire action plan today. Consider the following:

Start with a map of your building:

To begin, it is important to have a clear idea of the layout of your building, to know where all exits are and to know how easy those exits are to access. Identify existing fire exits, and mark them on your map. Make sure that they are accessible to all personnel and are not locked or restricted access. If they are in the form of windows that have to be broken, make sure that there is a fire axe or hammer in the immediate vicinity for this.

Identify existing fire safety gear:

Once you have an idea about the wider layout of your building, you need to identify any existing safety equipment and fire mitigation methods. This will include things such as:


Making the Right Decisions after Divorce

Making the Right Decisions after Divorce

Seeking Early Legal Advice can help you Plan for Long Term

Long and nasty divorce proceedings are unfortunately the norm rather than the exception. Trained family lawyers are aware that while most divorces are stressful and long-drawn, there are others that are amicable and friendly. The couple’s overall approach to their relationship determines how the divorce will move forward. It’s a good to be aware that a positive approach and a problem-solving attitude goes a long way in reducing steep court costs and saving valuable time. The sooner the partners arrive at mutually beneficial agreements, the sooner they can move on with their lives.

Every marriage breakdown is different depending on the personalities of the people involved and the assets at stake. If you find that your emotions are driving your decision-making abilities, it’s best to hire lawyers who can look out for your best interests. Your lawyer will examine all the attendant circumstances including minor children for child support issues, assets, properties, agreements, monies and investments and so on and advise on your best options. Taking every troublesome issue to court will only end up prolonging the legal battle and costing you hard-earned dollars. By having a trustworthy lawyer by your side, you can exercise greater control over your future especially with regard to your home, how your children will be raised and how your property divided etc. Once these matters are settled by court, the decision handed down may not be to your satisfaction.


3 Benefits Of Using An Accountant To Do Your Tax Return

3 Benefits Of Using An Accountant To Do Your Tax Return

Although a lot of people choose to do their tax returns at home or in the office, a lot also choose to use an experienced accountant. Obviously, the option that you choose will depend on how much experience you have when it comes to accounting and tax returns.

According to Accountants Australia, your need for an accountant will also depend on the complexity of your tax reporting obligations. For some people, all that a tax return entails is filling out a short form at the end of the financial year and submitting it to the Australia Tax Office (ATO). However, for others – such as business owners – tax time is a lot more stressful. In some cases, you will be required to report certain aspects of your business’s finances as often as monthly (through a BAS). In this case, an accountant could come in very handy.

How should I choose an accountant?

When it comes to choosing an accountant to look after your finances, you should choose carefully – after all, they are the person who largely controls how much tax you pay each year. Look for an accountant who is reliable and experienced. If you own a complex business or need help on a specific tax matter, look for an accountant who specialises in this field. Always go for someone who has a decent reputation in the community, even if they charge more. It will be worth it in the long run.


Are your Rights as a Shareholder Being Violated?

Are your Rights as a Shareholder Being Violated?

Seeking Legal Advice can help you get what you Lawfully deserve

Business and partnership disputes, shareholder disagreement and insolvency can be stressful and expensive to resolve in court. There are usually several factors involved and proper solutions must be worked within the framework of Australian commercial law. By hiring trained commercial lawyers such as Rowe Bristol you can minimise the likelihood of taking the matter to court and wasting valuable time and money. Court battles often involve steep costs, stress and worry.  Seeking legal advice out of court can help reduce strife and conflict within the company. Carefully drafted shareholder agreements and business contracts can pave the way for faster resolution and provide avenues for discussion and communication.

Shareholder and business disputes can arise due to multiple reasons and it’s important to understand the rights and duties of all parties involved. This helps obtain greater clarity regarding options available as well as the consequences that may arise if the situation is left unresolved. If the company is closely held among partners and they are involved in the day-to-day running of the company, there could be potential for further disagreements. The partners may fall out because they disagree about operational decisions or because they resent interference from each other. Regardless of the reason, internal disputes are likely to worsen without legal guidance from experts. Commercial lawyers are trained to examine contracts and agreements and provide insights regarding options, terms and conditions.
