10 Facts You Should Know About The Cannabis Intervention Requirement

10 Facts You Should Know About The Cannabis Intervention Requirement

The term drug rehab, especially for those who have little knowledge of the subject, can conjure up images of drug fuelled addicts locked in cells, changed to a metal bed frame, and sweating buckets as they go through cold turkey. We say that somewhat tongue in cheek, although the sad fact is that there some unfortunate people who have actually had to endure that kind of treatment in the past.

Thankfully, the rehabilitation of drugs users operates in more enlightened times, and the ways and means of how people are helped to come off drugs has expanded and improved. This has led to many highly effective drug rehab programs that would have been thought of as impossible many years ago, not only due to the view of drugs by society in those times, but also due to how drugs laws stood in many jurisdictions.

Another aspect of drug rehab is that not everyone is a heroin or cocaine user, which are normally classed as ‘hard’ drugs. Some drugs users are caught in possession of what are considered lesser drugs, such as cannabis, which , if you live in certain parts of the world is actually decriminalized.
